Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

Visi dan Misi

Konsisten dan istiqamah cuma karena kita punya tujuan (visi dan misi) dilengkapi cinta serta hasrat yang menggebu. Setiap hari selalu ada harapan.

Visi :

Menjadi terdepan dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta sumberdaya manusia yang dilandasi nilai dan semangat kejuangan.

Misi :
1. Menghasilkan Sumber Daya Manusia yang memiliki nilia-nilai moralitas, mentalitas dan intelektualitas serta jasmani yang sehat.
2. Mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi menuju research university.
3. Mengembangkan sistem pemberdayaan masyarakat.

Tujuan :

Menunjang pembangunan nasional di bidang pendidikan tinggi dalam rangka terciptanya sumber daya manusia yang cakap, profesional, beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, memiliki disiplin, tanggungjawab dan pengabdian yang tinggi serta rasa kepedulian terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat.

Phone mobile

Hp want to Find Info Here

Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

sales watches

Rolex GMT master Ref.1675'Nipple Dial'

Keunikan Rolex GMT 1675 tipe ini adalah warna dialnya coklat tua dan bentuk indeks yang timbul (nipple dial). Kondisi masih sangat bagus. Tali kulit generik model sport. Dijual tanpa box and paper.

Asking price: Rp.29,000,000

Camera Lomo

Camera Lomo

Lomografi is a part of photography, photography uses a special camera called the LOMO camera. LOMO stands Leningradskoye Optiko-Mechanichesckoye Obyedinenie (Leningrad Optical Mechanical amalgamation) Lomografi can we call the pure creation of art because we can take pictures of an object with a manual camera is. Although this tool is still relatively simple technology, but we can produce a unique image and different from the picture in general.

Asking price : $ 59.95

TIPS photographed

1. Take your LOMO everywhere you go.

Take your Lomo camera everywhere you go, because where else you can find the object of unexpected images.

2. Use it anytime - day or night.

Wear your Lomo camera without limit. Use your Lomo camera both day and night, at any time in various situations and conditions.

3. Lomography is not an interference in your life, but a part of it.

Make Lomografi as part of your self and enjoy your time photographing an object with a Lomo camera.

4. Shoot from the hip.

5. Approach the objects of your desire lomographic as close as possible.

Approach your photographs of objects as close as possible except for Lomo camera is generally no zoom, should have its own feel between you and the object image.

6. Do not think.
Do not think, use your heart and your vision.

7. Be fast.
Hurry in photographing an object image, you do not need a lot of thinking / berteknik.

8. You do not have to know beforehand what you've captured on film.
You do not have to think too much about image as what you take.

9. You do not have to know afterwards, either.
You also do not have to think about how the results of the images you take.

Lomo Action Sampler 35mm film camera

Asking price : $ 37.95

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010


The Bicycle

They are easy to use, affordable, and does not harm the environment.
"A vehicle with two wheels tandem, a steering handle, a saddle seat, and pedals by which it is propelled." Webster's dictionary
Fair enough, this is true for the contemporary view of this vehicle. But actually the bicycle has evolved from different stages and forms before reaching our view of the "modern" bike. A long time ago bicycles did not have chains or even pedals to propel it. And you may have seen in movies with old plots bicycles with large front wheels and small rear wheels. And you may wonder that with the large types of bikes we have now have evolved from the bicycles I have mentioned.
How about the parts? Isn't it amazing how simple they are yet sufficient enough for us to use the whole bicycle? From the wheels to the pedals to the and to the gears, they all have their functions and parts.
And we sometimes wonder about the future of the bicycle. What would it be like, its benefits, and how would it help our environment. Unlike cars, bicycles does not pollute in any way. With more innovations to come in the future, bicycles will surely have its own.

Price: Rp.2.000.000,00